Twilight Tuesday

A Journey with Sound, Breath, Movement and Meditation

Sunday August 14, 2022

Twilight Tuesday

Jessica Gorlicky Design Studio,
660 Caledonia Rd. Unit 105, Toronto, ON, M6E 4V8
[7:30PM - 9:00 pm]

Journey Online and In-Person into the Twilight with Sound, Movement and Guided Medical Qi Gong Meditation and Breath as we collectively awaken. Let's heal together and remember who we are.

✨Optional Twilight Tea Plant Medicine Microdose

⚡️For In-Person - please bring yoga mat, pillow and blanket

⚡️For Zoom - Headphones (over the ear are best) and or a Good Sound system is highly recommended, and a high quality screen for the visual stimulus as well. We have put our best minds together from all over the world to get our sound quality to almost as if you were in the room.




In-person & zoom


What's included:

  • Crystal Bowl Sound Wave Frequencies and Songs

  • Guided Medical Qi Gong Meditation and Breath Healing

  • Intuitive Movement


Meet your Instructors

  • Kriss Grcic

    Founder of Traditional Today / Cliffside Care

    Registered TCM Practitioner

    Sound Therapy Facilitator

  • Eric Bols

    Founder of Advance Form Fitness / Cliffside Care

    Fascial Stretch Therapist (FST)

    ELDOA Practitioner

    Wim Hof Fundamentals

  • Marie Bodine

    WHM Level 2 Instructor

    Breathwork Facilitator
